007 Explanation of Symbols
008 Preface
009 Pawn structures in the Queen’s Gambit
014 Introduction
036 Chapter 1: The Slav Defense
051 Line 1: The Winawer Gambit
056 Line 2: The Slav Gambit
065 Line 3: The Slav Exchange Variation
073 Line 4: The continuation 4...dxc4
081 Line 5: The Botvinnik Variation
086 Chapter 2: The Queen’s Gambit Accepted
090 Line 1: The continuation 3.e4
096 Line 2: The continuation 3.Sc3
100 Chapter 3: The Albin Counter-Gambit
105 Chapter 4: The Chigorin Defense
115 Chapter 5: The Vienna Variation
124 Chapter 6: The Moscow Variation
130 Chapter 7: The Tarrasch Defense
150 Chapter 8: The Exchange Variation
154 Line 1: The continuation 5.Gf4
158 Line 2: The continuation 9.Sge2
163 Chapter 9: The line with 5.Gf4
173 Chapter 10: The Semi-Tarrasch Defense
183 Chapter 11: The Ragozin Variation
193 Chapter 12: The Cambridge-Springs Variation
202 Chapter 13: The Westphalia Variation
210 Chapter 14: The Lasker Defense (classical version)
216 Chapter 15: The Lasker Defense (modern version)
223 Chapter 16: The Tartakower Variation
237 Chapter 17: The Anti-Tartakower Variation
246 Chapter 18: The Capablanca Variation
255 List of Sources