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Lista produktów marki Quality Chess

Książki firmowane logiem Quality Chess są bardzo wysoko cenione w świecie szachowym.

Jest 102 produktów.

Pokazano 1-40 z 102 pozycji
Zestaw 4 książki: Gra... -15%
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Zestaw 4 książki: Gra końcowa od GM J. AAgaarda (ZK-001)

Zestaw 4 bestsellerów traktujących o grze końcowej. Najlepsze wydania w twardej oprawie, najlepsi autorzy. Jacob Aagaard, Sam Shankland i Steffen Nielsen

555,05 zł Cena podstawowa 653,00 zł
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Winning Chess Middlegames -... -10%
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Winning Chess Middlegames - Część 2 - Ivan Sokolov (K-6339)

Have you ever wondered why it takes grandmasters just seconds to see what's happening in a chess position? It's all about pawn structures, as Ivan Sokolov explained in his groundbreaking book Winning Chess Middlegames.

109,80 zł Cena podstawowa 122,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Understanding Chess... -15%
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Understanding Chess Exchanges - Bagheri, Salehzadeh (K-6337)

Have you ever wondered how chess grandmasters always seem to know which pieces need to be exchanged? Or how an attack is influenced by the number of pieces on the board? When should we keep the queens on, and when should we switch to an endgame?

122,40 zł Cena podstawowa 144,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Turbo-Charge your Tactics 2. Accelerate and win - V. Grabinsky, M. Oleksiyenko (K-6358/2)

Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 concludes a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to create the perfect chess puzzle books. This second volume builds upon the first, using games from the World Champions and their challengers. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement.

This book also contains a special chapter with expert guidance on how to use chess engines. The engines might analyse precisely but they can also harm our chess understanding if followed blindly, so we must know when and how to use them.

143,00 zł
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Turbo-Charge your Tactics 1. Drive Your Improvement - V. Grabinsky, M. Oleksiyenko (K-6358/1)

Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1 is essentially a chess puzzle book, but not a typical one. It’s a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and his world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to introduce you to the world of ”unnatural“ tactical moves.

Presenting examples of extreme beauty, no matter where they come from be it online bullet or world-class grandmaster praxis this book will cure your ”selective blindness“ by destroying the false notion of chess principles being a set of rules, instead of helpful guidelines. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement.

143,00 zł
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Tiger’s Chaos Theory - Tiger Hillarp Persson (K-6388)

Have you ever admired an amazing game of chess, simultaneously thinking “I could never play like that”? In Tiger’s Chaos Theory, you will find a different perspective, treating extraordinary play and creativity as a learnable skill. Thinking outside the box is a stock phrase of the commentators; champions expand their box.

142,00 zł
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Think Like a Machine - Noam Manella, Zeev Zohar (K-5857) Think Like a Machine - Noam Manella, Zeev Zohar (K-5857) -20%
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Think Like a Machine - Noam Manella, Zeev Zohar (K-5857)

With the ascent of computer technology, humans have a chance to develop their thinking process based on hard evidence. Think Like a Machine explores human limitations and proposes new avenues for human thinking, inspired by computer engines.

In positions taken almost exclusively from modern tournament play, the authors present jaw-dropping continuations which humans struggle to find, not due to lower human computing power, due to conceptual and perceptual limitations. In this book these “crazy” moves are analysed and categorised. If you want to expand your chess imagination, understanding and intuition, Think Like a Machine is the book is for you.

Think Like A Machine is the second chess book co-written by Noam Manella and Zeev Zohar . Manella is a digital and Social Networks Researcher; Zohar is an accountant and businessman. Their previous book, Play Unconventional Chess and Win, was a highlight in chess publishing in 2014.

106,40 zł Cena podstawowa 133,00 zł
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The Woodpecker Method 2 - Axel Smith (K-5426/2)

Since its publication in 2018 The Woodpecker Method has been the go-to manual among chess players with a thirst for tactical improvement. The Woodpecker Method 2 is the long-awaited sequel, designed to skyrocket your positional decision-making skills

149,00 zł
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The Secret Ingredient to Winning at Chess - David Navara, Jan Markos (K-6024) The Secret Ingredient to Winning at Chess - Spis treści -20%
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The Secret Ingredient to Winning at Chess - David Navara, Jan Markos (K-6024)

The Secret Ingredient is a grandmaster guide to maximizing your chess results, focusing on key elements of practical play which have received little to no attention in previous chess literature.

How exactly can we best make use of computers? What’s the ideal, step-by-step way to prepare against a specific opponent? How can we optimize our time management at the board? And what’s the one key skill that separates the best players from those who have yet to reach their full potential? GM Jan Markos sheds light on these topics and many more, helped by the world-class insights of his good friend GM David Navara.

111,20 zł Cena podstawowa 139,00 zł
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Aleksander Kotow - The Science of Strategy (K-5636) Aleksander Kotow - The Science of Strategy (K-5636) -20%
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The Science of Strategy - Aleksander Kotow (K-5636)

Chess is a strategically deep game and it is no surprise that players often struggle to find the right strategy over the board. Computers may be able to show a good move in a position, but they can’t explain how it should fit into an overall plan.

87,20 zł Cena podstawowa 109,00 zł
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The Road to Reykjavik -20%
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The Road to Reykjavik - Tibor Karolyi (K-6089)

Robert James Fischer is one of the greatest and most celebrated players in chess history. Exactly fifty years since the American won the right to challenge Boris Spassky for the World Championship crown, Tibor Karolyi documents Fischer’s unique journey from precocious youngster to the chess icon who obliterated Taimanov and Larsen before convincingly beating Petrosian on The Road to Reykjavik.

111,20 zł Cena podstawowa 139,00 zł
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The Mental Game - Alexander Galkin (K-6389)

We all have an intuitive feeling of the stress, pressure and frustration on the path to winning a World Championship in sport, but rarely will you get as unfiltered and raw an insight into the struggle to succeed as in The Mental Game.

119,00 zł
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The Italian Renaissance -... -15%
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The Italian Renaissance - Część II: The Main Lines - Martyn Kravtsiv (K-5871)

In this, the second book in his two-volume work, GM Martyn Kravtsiv shines the spotlight on the Italian Game (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4). Most chess players learn the basics of this opening as beginners, yet it contains enough depth and complexity to provide the world’s best players with a rich and ever-evolving battleground.

Though written unmistakably from White’s perspective, this work takes a different approach from that of a typical repertoire book. Rather than filling valuable pages analysing rare, inferior and generally irrelevant options, the author delves deep into the most important main lines, explaining the key move-order details and providing White with a series of well-researched ideas which will force your opponents to solve difficult problems at the board.

Join The Italian Renaissance and create your own masterpieces!

Martyn Kravtsiv is a Ukrainian Grandmaster with a peak rating of 2685, with expert knowledge and experience of 1.e4.

93,50 zł Cena podstawowa 110,00 zł
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The Italian Renaissance -... -15%
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The Italian Renaissance - Część I: Move Orders, Tricks and Alternatives - Martyn Kravtsiv (K-5870)

With the seemingly bulletproof Berlin Wall and Marshall Attack continuing to thwart White’s best efforts to find an advantage in the Ruy Lopez, many top players have incorporated the Italian Game (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4) along with the related Bishop’s Opening (2.Bc4) into their repertoires. In this two-volume work, GM Martyn Kravtsiv shares his insights on this Italian Renaissance from White’s perspective.

Before reaching the Italian, White must be ready to deal with the Petroff Defence (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6). In the first part of this, the first volume, Kravtsiv advocates the well-regarded 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nf3 Nxe4 5.Nc3 variation, offering an array of weapons to cause problems for Black, including a large number of untested yet dangerous ideas.

The next topic is the Bishop’s Opening, which can be used as an optional Anti-Petroff move order as well as a weapon in its own right. 2.Bc4 may or may not transpose to the main Italian lines, and it is useful to be able to play both move orders in order to choose the most effective sequence against each opponent. By combining this book with its companion volume, you too can be a part of The Italian Renaissance .

Martyn Kravtsiv is a Ukrainian Grandmaster with a peak rating of 2685, with expert knowledge and experience of 1.e4.

93,50 zł Cena podstawowa 110,00 zł
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The Chess Alchemist -... -20%
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The Chess Alchemist - Mikhail Tal (K-6122)

Mikhail Tal is one of the most celebrated World Champions in chess history, who confounded his opponents and dazzled chess fans around the world. Seemingly breaking every rule in the book, yet also breaking records with his accomplishments, Tal truly was The Chess Alchemist.

119,20 zł Cena podstawowa 149,00 zł
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The Berlin Defence. Grandmaster Repertoire - Michael Roiz -15%
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The Berlin Defence. Grandmaster Repertoire - Michael Roiz (K-6053)

Every player who meets 1.e4 with 1...e5 needs a reliable response to the Ruy Lopez, and The Berlin Defence is an ideal solution. Ever since Vladimir Kramnik used the Berlin to shut down Garry Kasparov’s best efforts in their 2000 World Championship match, practically all of the world’s top players have successfully incorporated the “Berlin Wall” into their repertoires.

GM Michael Roiz presents a complete repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6, offering top-class antidotes to anything White may try. From the famous Endgame Variation to recently fashionable tries such as 4.d3, Roiz combines cutting-edge analysis with insightful positional guidance.

Grandmaster Michael Roiz reached the top 40 in the world. He has won Olympiad Team Silver for Israel, as well as many tournaments over the years. In recent years he has focused more on seconding elite grandmasters in top tournaments such as the Candidates and so far one World Championship match.

98,60 zł Cena podstawowa 116,00 zł
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The Alterman Gambit Guide – Black Gambits 2 - Boris Alterman (K-6357)

The Alterman Gambit Guide: Black Gambits 2 is an instructional manual for improving chess players. Sharpen your tactics and learn to play dynamic attacking chess while studying the most entertaining gambits. This volume deals with various openings after 1.e4 e5, and lines covered include: Marshall Attack, Traxler variation, Frankenstein-Dracula variation, Falkbeer Counter-Gambit and more.

99,00 zł
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Technical Decision Making in Chess - Boris Gelfand (K-5873)

In Technical Decision Making in Chess former World Championship Challenger Boris Gelfand discusses his path to decision making in endgames and positions where one side possesses a structural or material advantage. This investigation into a top Grandmaster’s technical understanding will illuminate difficult parts of the game that many players find elusive. Concepts like the “Zone of one mistake” are certain to be a revelation to many.

Grandmaster Boris Gelfand has been an elite player for over 30 years, winning the World Cup, Olympiad Gold, the Candidates and many other top tournaments.

120,00 zł
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Street Smart Chess - Axel Smith -20%
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Street Smart Chess - Axel Smith (K-5985)

Street Smart Chess is an expert guide to scoring more points at the chessboard. When does it pay off to play hard for a win? Or safe for a draw? And how do you adapt your playing style accordingly?

GM Axel Smith answers these questions, and more, by using a world-class player as a model for each chapter. Learn how Magnus Carlsen grinds out wins from level positions; how David Navara beats lower-rated opponents, and how Baskaran Adhiban beats higher-rated ones! Or serve-and-volley in the opening like Peter Heine Nielsen.

Playing well is a good start in chess, but you also need to be Street Smart.

Axel Smith is the award-winning author of The Woodpecker Method, Pump Up Your Rating and e3 Poison, which were all enthusiastically received by readers and reviewers. Using the Woodpecker as part of his training, as an adult he improved from a rating of 2100 to becoming a Grandmaster.

108,80 zł Cena podstawowa 136,00 zł
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Grigory Levenfish - Soviet Outcast (K-5734) Grigory Levenfish - Soviet Outcast (K-5734) -20%
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Soviet Outcast - Grigory Levenfish (K-5734)

Grigory Levenfish was twice Soviet Champion and drew a match with the great Botvinnik, yet despite his skills, he was never a favoured son of the Soviet Union. Rejected for selection to key events and the only Soviet grandmaster to be denied a stipend in later life, Levenfish was a Soviet Outcast .

111,20 zł Cena podstawowa 139,00 zł
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Reimagining 1.e4 - Nikolaos...
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Reimagining 1.e4 - Nikolaos Ntirlis (K-6420)

Every chess player faces an opening dilemma: big main lines are complicated and time-consuming to learn, while easy-to-learn sidelines usually suffer from other defects. Finding the best of both worlds has been an impossible dream – until now!

119,00 zł
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Pump up your rating by Axel... -20%
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Pump up your rating by Axel Smith ( K-3606 )

Any man in the street knows how to increase his physical strength, but among most chess players confusion reigns when it comes to improving their playing strength. Axel Smith's training methods have guided his friends, teammates and pupils to grandmaster norms and titles. Hard work will be required, but Axel Smith knows how you can Pump Up Your Rating.

79,20 zł Cena podstawowa 99,00 zł
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gm Alterman B. " Przewodnik Altermana po Gambitach dla białych " ( K-3324/b ) gm Alterman B. " Przewodnik Altermana po Gambitach dla białych " ( K-3324/b ) -20%
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Przewodnik Altermana po Gambitach dla białych - gm Alterman Boris (K-3324/b)

The Alterman Gambit Guide: White Gambits is an instructional manual for improving players. Sharpen your tactics and learn to play dynamic attacking chess while studying the most entertaining gambits.

Lines covered include: Evans Gambit, Panov Attack, Morra Gambit, Philidor, Danish Gambit, Urusov Gambit, Morphy Attack, Cochrane Gambit, Max Lange Attack and Milner-Barry Gambit.

71,20 zł Cena podstawowa 89,00 zł
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Positional Decision Making in Chess - Boris Gelfand (K-5218/p)

Positional Decision Making in Chess offers a rare look into the mind of a top grandmaster. In his efforts to explain his way of thinking, Boris Gelfand focuses on such topics as the squeeze, space advantage, the transformation of pawn structures and the transformation of advantages. Based on examples from his own games and those of his hero, Akiba Rubinstein, Gelfand explains how he thinks during the game.

120,00 zł
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Playing the Sveshnikov -... -15%
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Playing the Sveshnikov - Milos Pavlovic (K-6250)

An Active Repertoire

The Sicilian Sveshnikov arises after the opening moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5, and is an ideal weapon based on sound principles of fast development and seizing central space. Decades of practical testing and analysis have proved the theoretical soundness of Black’s system, and its dynamic counterattacking potential makes it a popular choice among club players and top grandmasters alike.

109,65 zł Cena podstawowa 129,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Playing the Stonewall Dutch - Nikola Sedlak (K-5856) Playing the Stonewall Dutch - Nikola Sedlak (K-5856) -15%
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Playing the Stonewall Dutch - Nikola Sedlak (K-5856)

The Dutch Defence is one of Black’s most combative responses to 1.d4, and the Stonewall is the boldest version of this opening. Black immediately seizes space in the centre and clamps down on the e4-square, laying the foundations for a complicated strategic battle.

Many players believe the Stonewall to be a substandard opening, naively assuming that the e5-outpost and bad light-squared bishop must give White the advantage. GM Nikola Sedlak disagrees, and in Playing the Stonewall Dutch he shares the insights that have helped him to rack up a healthy plus score from Black’s side. In addition to providing a complete repertoire in the main lines of the Stonewall, this book also offers useful guidance on dealing with Anti-Dutch variations and various move-order subtleties.

GM Nikola Sedlak is a former Serbian Champion who has won both the EU Individual Open Championship and an Olympiad gold medal. He has played the Stonewall for many years against strong opponents, achieving excellent results.

105,40 zł Cena podstawowa 124,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Playing the Petroff - Swapnil Dhopade (K-5855) Playing the Petroff - Swapnil Dhopade (K-5855) -15%
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Playing the Petroff - Swapnil Dhopade (K-5855)

The Petroff Defence is universally recognised as one of Black’s soundest responses to 1.e4, having been tried and tested by a host of World Champions and other elite players. This book shows how you too can harness the power of this top-class opening.

Playing the Petroff offers an ideal solution for practical players. GM Swapnil Dhopade presents a compact yet bulletproof repertoire for Black, drawing on the games of leading Petroff specialists such as Gelfand, Caruana and Kramnik. This book also provides guidance on how to deal with 1.e4 e5 games where White avoids 2.Nf3, with particular focus on ‘Anti-Petroff ’ lines such as 2.Bc4.

If you want a world-class repertoire but lack a world-class memory, this is the book for you.

Swapnil Dhopade is a young Indian Grandmaster and a renowned coach, including of the Indian Women’s Team. His other students include Raunak Sadhwani who achieved the GM title at age 13.

105,40 zł Cena podstawowa 124,00 zł
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Playing the Nimzo-Indian - Renier Castellanos (K-6387)

The Nimzo-Indian Defence is an ideal weapon for Black at all levels. It has been popular for over a century due to its positional soundness, yet has experienced a revolution in recent years, with modern analysis increasingly highlighting its dynamic potential.

119,00 zł
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David Vigorito - Playing the Najdorf (K-5747) David Vigorito - Playing the Najdorf (K-5747) -20%
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Playing the Najdorf - David Vigorito (K-5747)

The Sicilian Najdorf is one of Black’s best and most combative responses to 1.e4. The Najdorf was championed by Fischer and Kasparov during their respective periods of dominance over the world chess scene, and has been used extensively by many other World Champions and elite GMs, including Anand, Gelfand, Topalov and Vachier-Lagrave to name but a few.

95,20 zł Cena podstawowa 119,00 zł
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Playing the English - Nikolaos Ntirlis (K-6307)

The English Opening arises after 1.c4, and is a great practical weapon for players of all levels. White dictates the opening from the very first move, and often reaches positions where understanding themes and plans is more important than the latest computer-generated analysis.

125,00 zł
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Playing the Caro-Kann: A Counter-Attacking Repertoire -15%
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Playing the Caro-Kann: A Counter-Attacking Repertoire - Lars Schandorff (K-5986)

The Caro-Kann is renowned as a top-tier defence to 1.e4, and Lars Schandorff’s Grandmaster Repertoire (2010) book on this opening received rave reviews. As GM Zenon Franco Ocampos put it, “I cannot imagine a better way of converting into a Caro-Kann player.” A decade later, Schandorff is back with a completely new repertoire which improves on his previous work in every way.

Playing the Caro-Kann offers a complete repertoire for Black after 1.e4 c6, based on 2.d4 d5 followed by 3.e5 Bf5 or 3.Nc3/3.Nd2 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nf6 5.Nxf6+ exf6. With cutting-edge analysis, thorough explanations of positional motifs and instructively annotated illustrative games, this book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the Caro-Kann.

Lars Schandorff is a Danish grandmaster who is renowned for his opening preparation and skills as an author.

97,75 zł Cena podstawowa 115,00 zł
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