
Nowości w sklepie szachowym CAISSA


Jest 1486 produktów.

Pokazano 401-440 z 1486 pozycji
Winning the World Open -10%
  • -10%

Winning the World Open - Joel Benjamin, Harold Scott (K-6085)

For nearly fifty years grandmasters and amateurs alike have been making their annual pilgrimage to the World Open. Legendary organizer Bill Goichberg created the model of this iconic event in American chess: large entry fees, large prizes, and no-frills. Every year around the 4th of July, Philadelphia is the scene of countless epic battles at the board.

125,10 zł Cena podstawowa 139,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Endgame Tactics - New, Improved and Expanded Edition -10%
  • -10%

Van Perlo's Endgame Tactics - New, Improved and Expanded Edition (K-6087)

New and substantially expanded edition of a modern chess classic. By chance, in 2013 publisher New In Chess discovered a previously unnoticed and unpublished extra batch of endgame tactics collected by the legendary Dutch correspondence grandmaster Ger van Perlo (1932-2010).

More than 250 fresh examples have been added, making this fourth edition 25% BIGGER than its predecessors.

122,40 zł Cena podstawowa 136,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Greatest Attacker in Chess - Cyrus Lakdawala (K-6086)

Rashid Nezhmetdinov (1912-1974) played fearless attacking chess. With his dazzling style, the Soviet master already was a legend during his lifetime, but international fame largely eluded him. Only once did he get permission to show his exceptional talent in a tournament abroad.

136,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Szachy Turniejowe... -40,00 zł
  • -40,00 zł

Szachy Turniejowe Czereśniowe 48x48cm (S-12/CZ)


Drewniane figury Staunton nr 5 z drewna czereśniowego - obciążone, podklejone zielonym filcem

- Wysokość króla - ok. 90 mm;

- Wysokość pionka - ok. 45 mm

Szachownica drewniana, składana na pół z miejscem na figury w środku.

- Wymiar szachownicy: 48 x 48 x 2,7 cm;

- Wymiar pola szachowego: 48 x 48 mm;

Waga łączna: 1.7 kg;

337,00 zł Cena podstawowa 377,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Szachowa zabawa z przerwą... -20%
  • -20%

Szachowa zabawa z przerwą na Covid. Turniej Kandydatów Jekaterynburg 2020–2021 - Vladimir Tukmakov (K-6043)

В своей новой работе авторитетный гроссмейстер, тренер и автор рассказывает об уникальном турнире претендентов, который из-за пандемии растянулся на 400 с лишним дней: первый круг был сыгран в Екатеринбурге весной 2020 года, второй – только через год. Автор подробно анализирует все 56 поединков ведущих гроссмейстеров мира, делая упор на психологическую составляющую: пытается объяснить, почему игроки принимали за доской и при подготовке то или иное решение. Турнир отличался невероятным накалом борьбы и порадовал любителей шахмат множеством ярких партий. Первое место завоевал российский гроссмейстер Ян Непомнящий, который получил право сыграть матч за корону с чемпионом мира Магнусом Карлсеном (Норвегия). «Талант и мужество, проявленные лучшими шахматистами мира во время всемирной беды, достойны своей летописи» (В. Тукмаков). Дополняет книгу интервью Яна Непомнящего, которое он дал «по горячим следам» – в день окончания турнира претендентов. Для широкого круга любителей шахмат. 

44,00 zł Cena podstawowa 55,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Wesołe szachy - Kompletna edycja ( K-3571/ke )

Kompletna edycja książek z serii WESOŁE SZACHY wydana w jednym podręczniku.

Ten kompleksowy podręcznik dla najmłodszych szachistów zawiera  nie tylko wszystkie 3 części "Wesołych Szachów, ale także część 4 - czyli całkowitą nowość, dotychczas nigdy nie wydaną!

39,00 zł
1 Opinia(e) 

Szachy składane wypalane Jowisz (S-11/J)

Szachy Profesjonalne "JOWISZ"

wyprodukowane przez renomowaną polską firmę WĘGIEL z prawie 60-letnią tradycją!!


- drewniane Staunton w standardowym rozmiarze turniejowym nr 4,

- starannie wykonane i precyzyjnie wykończone,

- wysokość króla to ok. 78 mm,

- obciążane, podklejane filcem


- drewniana wykonana metodą wypalania w formie składanej, zamykanej na grawerowane zatrzaski ozdobnej kasetce z miejscem na figury w środku,

- w standardowym rozmiarze turniejowym: wymiary szachownicy: ok. 40 x 40 cm, wymiary pola: ok. 40 x 40 mm

- starannie wykończona

- idealnie nadaje się do treningu szachowego zarówno dla dzieci jak i dorosłych w każdym możliwym miejscu dzięki stosunkowo niewielkim rozmiarom,

- łatwy w przechowywaniu i transporcie (zmieści się nawet w przepełnionej szafie :))

- oryginalne pudełko kartonowe (widoczne na zdjęciu) sprawia, że świetnie nadają się na prezent.

177,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Modernized Grivas Sicilian - Efstratios Grivas (K-6077)

‘To my mind there is quite a straightforward explanation. In order to profit from the initiative granted by the first move, White has to make use of his opportunity to do something before Black has an equal number of opportunities of his own.’ However, to do this he has to make ‘contact’ with the black position. The first point of contact usually comes in the form of a pawn exchange which leads to the opening of the position. The thought behind 1…c5 is this: ‘OK, I’ll let you open the position, and develop your pieces aggressively, but at a price – you have to give me one of your center pawns.’ (Jonathan Rowson, Chess for Zebras: Thinking Differently About Black and White).

172,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Modernized King’s Indian. Mar del Plata - Milos Pavlovic (K-6076)

“The Mar Del Plata is probably the single most comprehensive variation of the King’s Indian in terms of the volume of possibilities and strategic richness. Even aside from players who wish to incorporate the King’s Indian into their repertoire, I believe that study of these positions is essential for all chess players, as the attacking and defensive ideas on display are such a fundamental and universal part of playing chess. Learning how to evaluate and compare the strength of each side’s attacking potential is a paramount skill which can be applied all throughout your chess career.” - Milos Pavlovic

129,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Modernized King’s Indian. Averbakh Variation - Jan Boekelman (K-6075)

“I have always been interested by less theoretical Sicilians. I have been playing the Classical Sicilian for a long time and right before the covid period, I decided to find a new one. The Sicilian Kan came to me as a very serious option, and I decided to work on it. In the meantime, my friend and editor Daniël Vanheirzeele offered me the chance to author a book about it. This came to me as a complete surprise, as I had no experience with it. In comparison with my work on the Reti and the Dutch (my two previous books), I am a newbie on the subject. But I decided to accept the challenge. I found it extremely interesting, as this gave me a fresh look at the positions. I think I managed to ask myself the questions everyone would have asked. I also work as a second for others and am accustomed to working on openings I do not necessarily play as well as finding the key ideas very quickly. So, after a deep initial work to understand the variations, I was ready to start writing!” - Adrien Demuth

162,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Modernized Sicilian Kan - Adrien Demuth (K-6074)

“I have always been interested by less theoretical Sicilians. I have been playing the Classical Sicilian for a long time and right before the covid period, I decided to find a new one. The Sicilian Kan came to me as a very serious option, and I decided to work on it. In the meantime, my friend and editor Daniël Vanheirzeele offered me the chance to author a book about it. This came to me as a complete surprise, as I had no experience with it. In comparison with my work on the Reti and the Dutch (my two previous books), I am a newbie on the subject. But I decided to accept the challenge. I found it extremely interesting, as this gave me a fresh look at the positions. I think I managed to ask myself the questions everyone would have asked. I also work as a second for others and am accustomed to working on openings I do not necessarily play as well as finding the key ideas very quickly. So, after a deep initial work to understand the variations, I was ready to start writing!” - Adrien Demuth

144,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Jan Niepomniasczi. 30 zwycięskich partii. Krok po kroku - Zenon Franco (K-6073)

В своей новой книге гроссмейстер Зенон Франко глубоко анализирует 30 поучительных побед Яна Непомнящего и большое число фрагментов, в том числе из турнира претендентов (Екатеринбург 2020-2021). Книга не перегружена вариантами, акцент – на подробных объяснениях в формате «ход за ходом», что создает идеальную платформу для изучения шахмат. В «опорных» точках каждой партии читателю предлагаются тестовые вопросы, что помогает и практическому изучению ключевых приемов шахматной игры, и надежному усвоению обретаемых знаний. Вопросы и ответы вовлекают читателя в процесс обучения и помогают ему отслеживать рост своей шахматной силы.

59,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Strategia gry pionami od mistrza szachowego USA - Samuel Shankland (K-6072)

В шахматах нельзя брать ходы назад, но всегда можно вернуть фигуру на ее прежнее поле, хотя бы и ценой нескольких темпов. Пешки, с другой стороны, назад не ходят, поэтому любой пешечный ход - это решение навсегда. Игра пешками - один из наиболее трудных аспектов шахматной стратегии. Этим объясняется малое количество книг, написанных по данной теме. Сэм Шенкленд пошел своим путем - он разложил принципы пешечной игры на базовые элементы и на их основе построил стратегические направляющие, которые должен знать каждый грамотный шахматист.

64,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Debiut Elszada 3. Repertuar dla szachów szybkich i błyskawicznych - Igor Niemcew (K-6071)

У вас есть ограниченное время на изучение шахмат, и большая его часть уходит на зубрежку дебютных вариантов? Вот решение: удивите своего оппонента с первых же ходов с помощью дебюта Эльшада! В третьей книге про дебют Эльшада, которая по сути является продолжением первых двух, читатель ознакомится с сотней новых партий, узнает о новинках этого дебюта, увидит поединки, где повержены известные гроссмейстеры, в том числе Сергей Шипов и сам Владимир Крамник! Столкнувшись с новыми вызовами, ваш соперник должен будет полагаться только на собственные силы.

55,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

ChessBase 16 - Starter Package Edition 2022 Polski Interfejs (P-0100)

ChessBase is a personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world. Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy the game even more.

949,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Szachy Mistrzowskie 54x54cm Lux -40,00 zł
  • -40,00 zł

Szachy Mistrzowskie 54x54cm Lux (S-16/mi)

Szachy drewniane nr 6 składane na pół.

Szachownica intarsjowana naturalny mahoń

Wymiar szachownicy: 54 x 54 x 2,5 cm;

Wymiar pola szachowego: 55 x 55 mm;

Figury drewniane, w czarnym kolorze, podklejane filcem, układane do specjalnej kasetki wewnatrz szachownicy

Wysokość króla: 98 mm; pionek: 45 mm

Waga łączna: 2,00 kg;

237,00 zł Cena podstawowa 277,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
The Modernized Philidor... -10%
  • -10%

The Modernized Philidor Defense - Sergio Trigo Urquijo (K-6069)

“Pawns are the soul of chess.” We have all heard this phrase more than once in our chess life and we owe it to the great French player François-André Danican, so-called Philidor, considered one of the best chess players of the 18th century.

It’s not surprising that with this way of thinking, he revolutionized chess, which until then was almost all about direct attacks on the king. With this, he also changed the way of understanding and playing openings, in which he introduced a new concept for the time – that the pawns should be ahead of the pieces.

Bearing this in mind, the defense he created can be much better understood, in which all these rules are fulfilled and the importance of the pawn structure is maximal.

136,80 zł Cena podstawowa 152,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Double Fianchetto – The... -40%
  • -40%

Double Fianchetto – The Ultimate Workbook - Daniel Hausrath (K-6067)

But let me now explain the idea of this second book. I will show you some 18 games with the more or less current trends in the double fianchetto. These games include some openings like the Tarrasch and the King’s Indian, just to name a few.

The main part of the book is divided into exercises and solutions, with 110 positions taken from double fianchetto games. I have divided the exercises into chapters, with each chapter featuring games by players who have deployed the double fianchetto quite often. You will find a lot of typical motifs used by these players.

The difficulty level ranges from very easy through to very tough, but I won’t give points for the solutions. The ideas vary from tactics to important strategic subtleties. The reader decides how honestly he or she tries to solve these exercises. It is also not necessary to solve all of them, but it is definitely important to think about these positions and take your time. The reader should gain an impression of the many ideas and structures which are possible in the double fianchetto positions.

93,60 zł Cena podstawowa 156,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
It is Never Too Late to... -25%
  • -25%

It is Never Too Late to Become a Grandmaster - Vladimir Okhotnic (K-6066)

“Chess is not for the faint of heart,” Steinitz once said. I agree 100%! Chess players do not need pumped up muscles, they need a stable neuropsychic organization. How else can you resist the constant pressure that every nerve cell of the player experiences? I don’t always like this constant struggle with the stress that hangs over you, especially when you are wrong in a winning position. And in recent years, another “problem” has been added – incredibly powerful computer engines that younger opponents skillfully use in preparation for the game. But when you win a beautiful game or use a theoretical novelty invented at home (albeit with the help of a computer), or defend a difficult hopeless position, how great it is! And at such moments you don’t think what chess is – it is science, art or sport. At times like these, they are just part of your life.” ~ Vladimir Okhotnic

117,00 zł Cena podstawowa 156,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Forgotten Genius - The Life and Games of Grandmaster Albin Planinc - G. Mohr & A. Mikhalchishin (K-6065)

This fascinating biography of over eighty-five annotated games and stories are being presented by grandmasters Georg Mohr and Adrian Mikhalchishin. It covers Planinc’ entire life and chess career, including his most fascinating games. This fitting tribute of a forgotten chess genius should be found in anyone’s chess library. Thanks to this colorful book Albin Planinc will continue to inspire us all and will keep his spirit alive.

156,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Sinquefield Chess Generation – Young Guns at Work! - Alex Colovic (K-6064)

“To write proper “characteristics”, I had to go over hundreds of games of each player. I wanted to learn what they liked and disliked, how they reacted in different situations, what was their preferred way of playing, how they handled themselves. During the first “scan”, I went relatively quickly over the games, writing down the impression from each game. This is what Botvinnik did when analyzing Bronstein’s play before their match in 1951. I continued with the scan until the moment when I felt that I had “understood” the player. Then I returned to the games that were most relevant for their “characteristics” and I analyzed them deeply.” ~ Alex Colovic

139,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Your Jungle Guide to Unbalancing Your Opponents - B. D. Derakhshani (K-6063)

“The wonderful journey of selecting, analyzing and commentating on games has been very beneficial to both of us. In this book, we look deeply into some factors that are not spoken about as much as they should, for example, the importance of preparing for the opening, to always be searching for sacrifices when your pieces are active, to never stop grinding until the game is over and of course, the part we both love the most, psychology in chess.” ~ Dorsa and Borna Derakhshani

153,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Key Concepts of Chess -... -40%
  • -40%

Key Concepts of Chess - Część 1 - The Hedgehog - Herman Grooten (K-6061)

International master Herman Grooten has over 40 years of experience as a professional chess trainer. Countless of his pupils became strong chess players. The best known of these are the grandmasters Loek van Wely, Robin Swinkels, Wouter Spoelman, Dennis de Vreugt, Jan Werle, Twan Burg and Benjamin Bok.

In the field of journalism, he earned his spurs with chess columns in the newspapers Trouw and Het Eindhovens Dagblad. Since 2020 he has been co-owner of the popular for which he has been writing articles for over ten years. As an author, he wrote several books of which the 2009 publication "Chess Strategy for Club Players" was awarded "Book of the Year" on

Meanwhile, in his series "Understand before Moving " he has published several volumes that were received with great enthusiasm, both in Dutch and English.

This is the first volume of the new series "Key Concepts of Chess". The idea is to deal with middlegames in which a certain structure or essential theme becomes central. The idea of starting this series is in line with the "Understand before Moving" series because the aim, is to improve the understanding of club chess players. According to the author, playing an opening should be 'hung up' on stereotypical ideas and concepts belonging to this structure. The thorough exploration of middlegame structures is beyond the scope of opening books, hence it makes more sense to expose it in this complementary series.

In this first volume, the "Hedgehog System" is discussed in detail. Apart from being part of the author's repertoire, this typical set-up deserves to be widely highlighted. Although in the second part of the trilogy on the Sicilian, the Hedgehog has already made its appearance, in this book the seemingly fragile, but oh so treacherous creature can reconsider its spines in an extensive way.

75,00 zł Cena podstawowa 125,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Magnus Carlsen: A Life in... -20%
  • -20%

Magnus Carlsen: A Life in Pictures - Jonathan Tisdall (K-6060)

Pięknie wydany album z ponad 200 kolorowymi zdjęciami Magnusa Carlsena. Album wydany w twardej oprawie.

Magnus Carlsen: A Life in Pictures tells the story of the reigning World Chess Champion. Magnus Carlsen, born in 1990 in Oslo, Norway, became a Grandmaster by 13. Carlsen was crowned World Champion in 2013, when he defeated Anand and has successfully defended his title three times. He will again play for the title in November in Dubai.

111,20 zł Cena podstawowa 139,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
1001 Chess Exercises for... -10%
  • -10%

1001 Chess Exercises for Advanced Club Players - Frank Erwich (K-6059)

Spot Those Killer Moves and Stun Your Opponent

An advanced club player must look deeper!

In this follow-up to his acclaimed 1001 Chess Exercise for Club Players, FIDE Master Frank Erwich teaches you how to reach the next level of identifying weak spots in the position of your opponent, recognizing patterns of combinations, visualizing tricks and calculating effectively.

Erwich repeats the themes of his previous book, focusing on exercises in which the key move is less obvious. He also introduces new, more sophisticated tactical weapons. They are geared towards the reality of the advanced club player (Elo 1800 – 2300): it is not enough to spot simple combinations, at this level you must be able to resist your reflexes and look deeper.

In variations that look forcing you will always search for that deadly Zwischenzug. Quiet moves in general should be your new best friends. In short: an advanced club player should expect the unexpected. One of the celebrated elements of Erwich’s previous book, which is neglected in other books on tactics, is back: defence! You will also learn how to defend against tactics, as well as how to use tactical weapons when you are under heavy pressure.

This is a complete and structured course, and not just a collection of freewheeling puzzles. Erwich starts every chapter with an instructive explanation of the tactical concept at hand and has carefully selected the most didactically productive exercises.

Frank Erwich is a FIDE Master and an experienced chess trainer from the Netherlands. He holds a Master’s degree in Psychology. In 2019 he published the bestselling 1001 Chess Exercises for Club Players.

96,30 zł Cena podstawowa 107,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Attacking Strategies for... -10%
  • -10%

Attacking Strategies for Club Players - Michael Prusikin (K-6058)

How to Create a Deadly Attack on the Enemy King

Attacking your opponent’s king is not just a shortcut to victory, it’s also one of the most enjoyable and gratifying experiences in chess. If you want to win more games you should become a better attacker. Studying typical attacking motifs and ideas easily brings dividends while you are having a good time.

Michael Prusikin presents the prerequisites and the rules for a King attack in a lucid and attractive manner. In 15 thematic chapters he teaches you how to assess the nature of the position, identify the appropriate offensive patterns, find the preliminary moves and conduct your attack in a clear and effective way.

Battering rams, obstructive sacrifices, pawn storms, striking at the castled position, sacrificing a knight on f5, Prusikin demonstrates the most important patterns of attack with lots of clear and well chosen examples.

Next, Prusikin tests your newly acquired insights and your attacking intuition with exercises covering all the themes and motifs. You will find that studying Attacking Strategies for Club Players is both entertaining and rewarding.

Michael Prusikin is an International Grandmaster and a FIDE Senior Trainer from Germany. In 2009 he was the co-winner of the German Championship. Several times he has been voted German Chess Trainer of the Year. He writes the tactics column in the German magazine SCHACH.

“The vast majority of attacking patterns are presented with strikingly clear logic. Any reader who studies this book, almost irrespective of their playing strength, will come away with new ideas for conducting an attack on the king in particular and about chess understanding in general."

Alexander Khalifman, former FIDE World Champion

96,30 zł Cena podstawowa 107,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

New in Chess Yearbook 140 (K-339/140)

New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.


French guru Viktor Moskalenko shows two recent OTB games in the Forum Section, in which he was successful with some great ideas he presented in his latest book The Fully-Fledged French. One is a piece sac that gained him a 13-move win with black! Bogdan Lalic takes a look at another surprising black piece sac, in the King’s Indian this time. The Forum also contains some novelties from the World Cup, presented by Luis Rodi, Peter Boel and Frank Erwich.

From Sadler’s Engine Room

Matthew Sadler is our new columnist! He will alternate with Erwin l’Ami’s ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ column. The English grandmaster is well-known for the best-seller Game Changer he wrote with Natasha Regan, about computer chess. His new column will be on opening treatment by the top engines, and in his first instalment Matthew shows that these beasts are not at all averse to some offbeat opening play!


Four books are reviewed this time – all of them with a quite original angle. The Modernized Italian Game for White by Alexander Kalinin & Nikolai Kalinichenko is more about understanding than learning lines by heart, and we know that it’s the same with Viktor Moskalenko’s books. With The Fully-Fledged French, the Ukrainian grandmaster has produced a new shoot on his favourite French opening, with a lot of brand new ideas. The didactic approach of Thomas Willemze in The Scandinavian for Club Players is really something else, and of course we couldn’t ignore the Iron English by the creative English duo Simon Williams & Richard Palliser.

135,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

A Complete Opening Repertoire for Black after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6! – Część 1 – Nimzo-Indian - Dariusz Swiercz (K-6057/1)

What is the best way to improve your opening knowledge? Memorizing variations? Not really.

In the first volume of Dariusz’ trilogy, the author helps you to understand the instructive patterns that arise from the immensely popular Nimzo-Indian Defense. Packed with plenty new ideas, his methods consider the different ways White has at his disposal. His unique approach shows Black has nothing to fear, on the contrary! Thinkers is convinced you will enjoy the read!

153,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Jak Zostałem Arcymistrzem - Aron Nimzowitsch (K-6056)

Aron  Nimzowitsch (1886-1935r.) - Twórca nowego stylu gry czyli hypermodernizmu, gdzie głównymi postulatami, w przeciwieństwie do Steinitza i Tarrascha, były: figurowa kontrola centrum, blokada i profilaktyka.

Autor książek: "Mój System", "Blokada", "Mój system w praktyce".

20,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
The Berlin Defence. Grandmaster Repertoire - Michael Roiz -15%
  • -15%

The Berlin Defence. Grandmaster Repertoire - Michael Roiz (K-6053)

Every player who meets 1.e4 with 1...e5 needs a reliable response to the Ruy Lopez, and The Berlin Defence is an ideal solution. Ever since Vladimir Kramnik used the Berlin to shut down Garry Kasparov’s best efforts in their 2000 World Championship match, practically all of the world’s top players have successfully incorporated the “Berlin Wall” into their repertoires.

GM Michael Roiz presents a complete repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6, offering top-class antidotes to anything White may try. From the famous Endgame Variation to recently fashionable tries such as 4.d3, Roiz combines cutting-edge analysis with insightful positional guidance.

Grandmaster Michael Roiz reached the top 40 in the world. He has won Olympiad Team Silver for Israel, as well as many tournaments over the years. In recent years he has focused more on seconding elite grandmasters in top tournaments such as the Candidates and so far one World Championship match.

98,60 zł Cena podstawowa 116,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4. Część 2 - Gawain Jones -15%
  • -15%

Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4. Część 2 - Gawain Jones (K-6052)

Coffeehouse Repertoire is a 1.e4 player’s dream: an arsenal of ideas from a world-class grandmaster to surprise and confound your opponents, combining coffeehouse trickery with complete theoretical soundness.

In Volume 2, GM Gawain Jones shows how to fight for an advantage against 1...e5, plus the French, Pirc, Modern, Philidor and other miscellaneous Defences, using lines which feature a potent combination of surprise value, objective soundness and practical effectiveness.

Volume 1 completes the Coffeehouse 1.e4 Repertoire, and covered the Sicilian, Caro-Kann, Scandinavian and Alekhine’s Defences.

109,65 zł Cena podstawowa 129,00 zł
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The Magnus Method - Emmanuel Neiman -10%
  • -10%

The Magnus Method - Emmanuel Neiman (K-6051)

The Singular Skills of the World’s Strongest Chess Player Uncovered and Explained

What is it that makes Magnus Carlsen the strongest chess player in the world? Why do Carlsen’s opponents, the best players around, fail to see his moves coming? Moves that, when you replay his games, look natural and self-evident?

Emmanuel Neiman has been studying Carlsen’s games and style of play for many years. His findings will surprise, delight and educate every player, regardless of their level. He explains a key element in the World Champion’s play: instead of the ‘absolute’ best move he often plays the move that is likely to give him the better chances.

116,10 zł Cena podstawowa 129,00 zł
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Zegar szachowy klasyczny drewniany z podstawką -30,00 zł
  • -30,00 zł

Zegar szachowy klasyczny drewniany z podstawką (ZS-12)


w naturalnym kolorze z podstawką o wymiarach 15 x 8 x 4 cm

to klasyczny, turniejowy zegar szachowy w stylu "retro" w obudowie drewnianej z elementami wykonanymi z tworzywa sztucznego.

Złote, wykonane z tworzywa sztucznego dodatki pięknie współgrają z całością zegara dodając mu szyku.

Tylna obudowa zegara została wykonana z wysokiej jakości plastiku, co umożliwia łatwy dostęp do mechanizmu.

147,00 zł Cena podstawowa 177,00 zł
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Zegar szachowy duży /... -42,00 zł
  • -42,00 zł

Zegar szachowy duży / plastikowy (ZS-36)

Mechaniczny zegar szachowy w plastikowej obudowie.

Wymiary zegara:

- szerokość 18 cm,

- wysokość 12 cm

Tarcze zegara są duże i czytelne.

Do opakowania dołączone są baterie.

107,00 zł Cena podstawowa 149,00 zł
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The Silicon Road to Chess... -10%
  • -10%

The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement - Matthew Sadler (K-6047)

Your chess engine can do so much more than just calculate variations!

Every chess player, from club level up, can improve their game by using engines. That is the message of Matthew Sadler’s thought-provoking new book, based on many years of experience with the world’s best chess software. You may not be able to replicate their dazzling-deep calculations, but there is so much more your engine can do for you than just checking variations!

125,10 zł Cena podstawowa 139,00 zł
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Caruana's Ruy Lopez A White... -10%
  • -10%

Caruana's Ruy Lopez A White Repertoire for Club Players - Fabiano Caruana (K-6048)

Working on chess tactics and checkmates will help you win more games. It develops your pattern recognition and your ‘board vision’ – your ability to capitalize on opportunities. This Workbook features a complete set of fundamental tactics, checkmate patterns, exercises, hints, and solutions.

Peter Giannatos selected 738 exercises based on ten years of experience with thousands of pupils at the prize-winning Charlotte Chess Center. All problems are clean, without unnecessary fluff that detracts from their instructive value. The Workbook has ample room for writing down the solutions to the exercises. This is helpful for both students and coaches, who can assign homework from the book without having to worry about being unable to review the solutions. And writing down the correct chess moves will greatly accelerate your learning process.

Everyone’s First Chess Workbook offers you a treasure trove of chess knowledge and more than enough lessons to keep you busy for a year!

123,30 zł Cena podstawowa 137,00 zł
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2020 Endgame Maze (K-6049)

Dear readers and Informant aficionados, this book is intended to be a companion volume to our 2020 PUZZLE QUEST. Our primary intention was to provide you with as much quality material for self-study as possible. So, it was quite natural to present to you a book with a complete coverage of most instructive and entertaining endgames that were played in 2020.

137,00 zł
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Magnus Carlsen. 30 zwycięstw czarnymi - Zenon Franco (K-6041)

В своей новой книге гроссмейстер Зенон Франко глубоко анализирует 30 «чёрных» поучительных побед (включая партии 2020 года) чемпиона мира Магнуса Карлсена. Книга не перегружена вариантами, акцент – на подробных объяснениях в стиле «ход за ходом», что формирует идеальную платформу для изучения шахмат. В «опорных» точках каждой партии читателю предлагаются тестовые вопросы, что помогает и практическому изучению ключевых приемов шахматной игры, и надежному усвоению обретаемых знаний. Вопросы и ответы вовлекают читателя в процесс обучения и помогают ему отслеживать рост своей шахматной силы. Большинство партий взято из недавнего творчества Карлсена. Почти все его соперники супергроссмейстеры, – экс-чемпионы мира Виши Ананд и Владимир Крамник, а также Фабиано Каруана, Сергей Карякин, Шахрияр Мамедьяров, Алексей Широв, Максим Вашье-Лаграв, Левон Аронян, Аниш Гири и др. 

55,00 zł
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