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Lista produktów marki Thinkers Publishing

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Jest 109 produktów.

Pokazano 1-40 z 109 pozycji

Your Jungle Guide to Unbalancing Your Opponents - B. D. Derakhshani (K-6063)

“The wonderful journey of selecting, analyzing and commentating on games has been very beneficial to both of us. In this book, we look deeply into some factors that are not spoken about as much as they should, for example, the importance of preparing for the opening, to always be searching for sacrifices when your pieces are active, to never stop grinding until the game is over and of course, the part we both love the most, psychology in chess.” ~ Dorsa and Borna Derakhshani

153,00 zł
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Your Jungle Guide to Chess Tactics: Sharpen your Tactical Skills! - Péter Prohászka (K-5972)

Grandmaster Peter Prohaszka is one of the top Hungarian players, crossing the 2600 level in 2014 at age 22. He won the U14 European Chess Championship in 2006. He won the gold medal on board one as a member of the Hungarian youth team which went on to win the U18 European Team Chess Championship in 2010. He achieved the grandmaster title at age 17 and has been a member of the Hungarian National Team.

One of his biggest achievements is winning the 2018 Benasque Chess Festival, one of the strongest annual open tournaments in Spain. He is currently studying in St. Louis, Missouri (USA). He represents Webster University, which has the best chess program in the country. At the 2019 Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship, he captured the gold medal on board one, helping his team to a second-place finish.

"There are countless puzzle books available. However, it is very surprising that there is virtually almost none that gives a comprehensive overview with all of the frequent tactical motifs and themes that occur in practice. The ones that I am aware of are either largely incomplete, not systematic, without text, or old, and therefore the analysis contains lots of mistakes. The ambitious goal of this book is to fill this critical gap by addressing all of these issues.

Each of the 25 Chapters contains a thorough introduction with the games best showcasing the motif at hand. Next, the puzzle sections specifically aim to reinforce the reader’s pattern recognition. There are 365 training puzzles in total, and all of them have a 1-5 star value to show the level of difficulty. The solutions are given at the e nd of every chapter.

This book is dedicated to ambitious players who want to improve their game, as well as for coaches to help their students get to the next level.” - Peter Prohaszka

145,00 zł
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Unknown Weapons in the Grünfel - Milos Pavlovic (K-5445)d Unknown Weapons in the Grünfel - Milos Pavlovic (K-5445)d -40%
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Unknown Weapons in the Grünfeld - Milos Pavlovic (K-5445)d

The Grünfeld Defence is one of the most dynamic openings for Black. This opening was developed by two famous World Cham-pions, namely Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov.

While the theory is still far from being ex-hausted and still developing our author Grandmaster Milos Pavlovic made a strong case and found new alternatives to battle White’s setups. This is his first book for Thin-kers Publishing, in a series that will surely be-come very popular among its readers.

59,40 zł Cena podstawowa 99,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Universal Chess Training: A Complete Repertoire for Black - Wojciech Moranda (K-5907)

Are you struggling with your chess development? While dedicating hours and hours on improving your craft, your rating simply does not want to move upwards? Spending loads of money on chess books and DVDs, but feeling no real improvement at all? No worries - the book that you are holding in your hands might represent a game changer!

153,00 zł
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Understanding Before Moving 3.2 – Sicilian Structures - Herman Grooten (K-5976)

The first volume dealt with the Najdorf and Scheveningen variations, and it is now time to pay attention to three other extremely popular systems: the Taimanov, Kan and Richter-Rauzer variations. After careful consideration within the Thinkers Publishing team, we decided that it made sense to group these variations together. In particular, the first two are closely related and share the feature that, in both cases, Black plays …e7-e6 and …a7-a6 at an early stage. They typically have the idea of retaining more options for their king’s bishop by postponing …d7-d6 (or even omitting it entirely.) The bishop may go to b4 or c5 in different lines.

158,00 zł
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Unconventional Approaches to Modern Chess. Część 2 - Alexander Ipatov (K-5628/2)

To win a game, it is enough to be just a little bit better than your opponent. To make this happen, especially when facing a strong player, you must force your opponent to solve practical problems. You must get them into a position where the cost of a potential mistake is much higher than usual. ~ GM Alexander Ipatov

125,00 zł
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Alexander Ipatov - "Unconventional Approaches to Modern Chess" (K-5628/1) Alexander Ipatov - "Unconventional Approaches to Modern Chess" (K-5628/1) -20,00 zł
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Unconventional Approaches to Modern Chess - Alexander Ipatov (K-5628/1)

“This book is about the practical approach to the game of chess. It shaped me as a player and now I would like to share my philosophy with you. My objective is to combat several generally accepted misconceptions, such as a) only studying opening theory will make you a better player, b) one should always follow the first or second line shown by Komodo or Stockfish, and finally, c) that “in theory” is equivalent to “over the board”.

Alexander Ipatov

109,00 zł Cena podstawowa 129,00 zł
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Unbeatable - Jan Werle -40%
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Unbeatable - Jan Werle (K-6079)

“I realize that this book will not cover all open wounds, nevertheless my aim to write a manual about defense which can help us defenders enduring the hardest difficulties in practice, seems to be achieved. Personally speaking this book helped me as a defender to approach a worse position in a much more objective way, optimally use all of my defensive resources available, both psychologically and technically, to set – even under the most dire circumstances – pitfalls, while keeping my nerves under control.” ~ Jan Werle

91,80 zł Cena podstawowa 153,00 zł
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U Cannot Be Serious: Avant-Garde Strategy in Chess - G. Welling, M. Basman (K-5980)

This book is written with the intention to introduce the reader to the creative chess ideas of Michael Basman. He gave up more intense regular tournament chess around the turn of the millennium, to concentrate his energy on the development of school chess. And that is what he is mainly known for in recent times, as the motor who made the UK Chess Challenge blossom. Nowadays the yearly nation-wide school competition still attracts around 40,000 children, and that is not even the record. […]

136,00 zł
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Alexey Kuzmin - Together with Morozevich (K-5296) Alexey Kuzmin - Together with Morozevich (K-5296) -40%
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Together with Morozevich - Alexey Kuzmin (K-5296)

This book invites the reader to enter the wonderful elite chess world with one of the most creative GM's of all time. It tells about his approach to the core of fighting, about his strongest points but also about his weaknesses. It presents real masterpieces and hurtfull losses.

However the author not only shows a panorama of his creativity but also offers the reader to think over the problems together with 'Moro'. You can simply take place in his seat, look through his eyes and finally play like Morozevich!

"I have been trying to play interesting fighting chess and complicated battles on the chessboard have always given me real pleasure." Alexander Morozevich

71,40 zł Cena podstawowa 119,00 zł
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Together with Mamedyarov - Alexey Kuzmin (K-5804)

The book that you are holding in your hands is a continuation of the famous Kuzmin series. The two prior books concerning the chess creativity of Alexander Morozevich and participants in the Candidates tournaments was written for rather experienced players. That last book on the Candidates recently won the FIDE Chess Book Award of the Year 2018.

This book is different in that “Together With Mamdeyarov” has been written primarily for chess players with an Elo ranging 1400-2100. While working on the book I followed two objectives. First to help the players’ improvement and secondly to closer acquaint the readers with the creativity of one of the brightest contemporary grandmasters. If I were to characterize Mamedyarov’s play in one word I would use the adjective “powerful” and if I were to use two words, then perhaps “power chess”. Namely this energy and power are the dominants of his creativity with his opening preparation being only a supplementing factor.

135,00 zł
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To Exchange or Not?: The Ultimate Workbook - Eduardas Rozentalis (K-5917)

Following on from his first successful book The Correct Exchange in the Endgame, Eduardas Rozentalis turns his attention towards the best tool for chess improvement: test your current knowledge!

Our author has provided the most important key elements to practice one of the most difficult decisions: exchange or not!

With most competitive games nowadays being played to a finish in a single session, this knowledge may prove invaluable over the board. His brand new coverage is the best tool for anyone looking to improve his insights or can be used as perfect teaching material.

112,00 zł
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The Taimanov Bible | Wydanie 2 - Robert Markus (K-6262)

Wydanie 2 - poprawione i rozszerzone

In addition to the basic Taimanov ideas we had to keep, we followed – in an original manner – our two main concepts: ‘almost never play an early …d6’ (Scheveningen-style) and ‘push …h5 whenever you can’ (Paulsen-style).

164,00 zł
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The Sinquefield Chess Generation – Young Guns at Work! - Alex Colovic (K-6064)

“To write proper “characteristics”, I had to go over hundreds of games of each player. I wanted to learn what they liked and disliked, how they reacted in different situations, what was their preferred way of playing, how they handled themselves. During the first “scan”, I went relatively quickly over the games, writing down the impression from each game. This is what Botvinnik did when analyzing Bronstein’s play before their match in 1951. I continued with the scan until the moment when I felt that I had “understood” the player. Then I returned to the games that were most relevant for their “characteristics” and I analyzed them deeply.” ~ Alex Colovic

139,00 zł
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The Scheveningen Sicilian Revisited. A Complete Repertoire for the Sicilian Player - Daniel Gormally (K-6429) The Scheveningen Sicilian Revisited. A Complete Repertoire for the Sicilian Player - Daniel Gormally (K-6429)
  • Nowość

The Scheveningen Sicilian Revisited. A Complete Repertoire for the Sicilian Player - Daniel Gormally (K-6429)

The Sicilian Scheveningen Defense is a highly respected and flexible variation of the Sicilian Defense, characterized by the pawn structure Black adopts with pawns on e6 and d6. It arises after the moves 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e6. This setup allows Black to maintain a solid central presence while keeping options open for dynamic counterplay.

164,00 zł
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Hans Böhm, Y. Afek - The Royal Chess Couple in Action (K-5713) Hans Böhm, Y. Afek - The Royal Chess Couple in Action (K-5713) -50%
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The Royal Chess Couple in Action - Hans Böhm, Yochanan Afek (K-5713)

The Royal Chess Couple is a combined attempt to introduce the various traits of the most significant piece with the most powerful piece on the chessboard. Following a short historic review of the development and metamorphoses of each piece over time, the reader is offered 240 positions (480 in total) from tournament practice as well as from the magic world of chess composition. In each position a royal piece plays either a crucial offensive or defensive role. These positions are subdivided into 60 themes, four positions per theme, arranged by their increasing difficulty. The reader may use the positions as training challenges to improve his understanding and playing skills or just to enjoy playing through them. In either case he will learn to appreciate the characteristic qualities of each piece alone and in collaboration with other pieces.

69,50 zł Cena podstawowa 139,00 zł
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The Practical Endgame Bible - Boroljub Zlatanovic (K-6259)

Guidelines for the Fundamentals of the Endgame

There are many books devoted to basic endgames, even from the Middle Ages. Principles of typical endgames (such as keeping the rook behind a passed pawn, not setting pawns on the same colored squares as your bishop’s, distant pawns being more dangerous than central ones etc.) are well known too. But what about “complex endgames”? I have in mind endgames with at least two pieces on each side; well I don’t find them often nor sufficiently well-explained in the past! It is exactly this fact (together with my passion and great endgame experience) that has motivated me to write this book (many friends simply call me “Endgame Wizard” ).

180,00 zł
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The Najdorf Bg5 Revisited – Część 2 - Łukasz Jarmuła (K-6078)

Do you relish the prospect of setting your opponent awkward problems from the early start of the game? If so, you should just continue reading, for in the Bg5 Najdorf, it’s every man for himself, and only the best informed and most creative resourceful player survive. The Bg5 variation gives White very dangerous attacking ideas, and Blacks really needs to know a precise defense to come out of this variation alive. This book provides weapons that are ideal choices for those who revel in forcing opponents into chaotic and uncomfortable positions.

Lukasz Jarmula, a player and writer of international caliber, will be your truthful guide!

156,00 zł
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The Najdorf Bg5 Revisited – Część 1 - Łukasz Jarmuła (K-6070) -40%
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The Najdorf Bg5 Revisited – Część 1 - Łukasz Jarmuła (K-6070)

Born in 1998 Lukasz Jarmula is a 23 year old Polish International Grandmaster. Since 2015 he has represented SV Griesheim in the German Bundesliga. He holds 17 medals from the Polish Youth Championships in all categories: Individual, Team, Rapid and Blitz. In 2016 he shared 2-5th place at the European Youth U18 and in 2014 won the silver medal at the European Youth Team Championship.

The Bg5 variation of the Najdorf is the most critical and perhaps the most devastating weapon in the hands of the well- prepared player. In his first book for Thinkers Publishing, Lukasz brings us many sharp and aggressive ways to play for a win. The book consists so many interesting variations, we decided to split it into two volumes. We can only compliment hirn for writing a most complete book on a highly popular opening, the Najdorf Sicilian.

93,60 zł Cena podstawowa 156,00 zł
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The Modernized Sveshnikov Rated - Robert Ris (K-5851)

The Sveshnikov is undeniably one of the most dynamic and aggressive Sicilians available these days.

Most recently, it was made popular again by World Champion Magnus Carlsen in his match against Fabiano Caruana at the end of 2018.

The main lines lead to complex positions, and a deep knowledge and understanding of the opening is a real necessity for any player who wishes to enter this battlefield.

Our author, Robert Ris, focuses on all the current developments, highlighting the most important and instructive games from recent years, using his own over-the board experiences.

Ris is well known for his theoretical knowledge and overall opening expertise. And we are quite convinced that he provides Sicilian players with an up-to date arsenal for playing the Sveshnikov.

129,00 zł
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The Modernized Stonewall Defense - Milos Pavlovic (K-5815)

The Dutch Defense is an old opening. A seriously old opening. So old, in fact, that in large part it currently has the reputation of not really causing a well-prepared White player to fear losing. That is especially the case with the variant of it I am analysing in this book: the Stonewall (in which Black continues with ... e6 and ... d5). I intend to show that that impression is mistaken.

First things first: it’s a very positional opening. In contrast to the King’s Indian (which shares the feature of having few early piece or pawn exchanges) play moves slowly and despite there obviously being some sharp lines, the absolute prerequisite for playing the Stonewall Dutch is that you understand positional chess. The first person to really understand the strategic themes at play here, and develop decent plans for Black was sixth world champion, Mikhail Botvinnik. From which it should be clear that positional doesn’t necessarily mean easy.

107,00 zł
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The Modernized Sicilian Kan - Adrien Demuth (K-6074)

“I have always been interested by less theoretical Sicilians. I have been playing the Classical Sicilian for a long time and right before the covid period, I decided to find a new one. The Sicilian Kan came to me as a very serious option, and I decided to work on it. In the meantime, my friend and editor Daniël Vanheirzeele offered me the chance to author a book about it. This came to me as a complete surprise, as I had no experience with it. In comparison with my work on the Reti and the Dutch (my two previous books), I am a newbie on the subject. But I decided to accept the challenge. I found it extremely interesting, as this gave me a fresh look at the positions. I think I managed to ask myself the questions everyone would have asked. I also work as a second for others and am accustomed to working on openings I do not necessarily play as well as finding the key ideas very quickly. So, after a deep initial work to understand the variations, I was ready to start writing!” - Adrien Demuth

144,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Modernized Ruy Lopez – Część 2: A Complete Repertoire for White - Dariusz Swiercz (K-5970/2)


006 Key to Symbols

009 Foreword by Le Quang Liem

010 Introduction

PART I – Systems with ... Bc5

015 Chapter 1 – Moller Defense

057 Chapter 2 – Archangelsk Defense

PART II – Closed Ruy Lopez

105 Chapter 3 – Rare Lines

135 Chapter 4 – Zaitsev Variation

173 Chapter 5 – Chigorin Variation

201 Chapter 6 – Breyer Variation

225 Chapter 7 – Anti-Marshall

PART III – Modern Line with d3

287 Chapter 8 – Rare Lines

297 Chapter 9 – Main Line

140,00 zł
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The Modernized Ruy Lopez – Część 1: A Complete Repertoire for White - Dariusz Swiercz (K-5970/1)

006 Key to Symbols

009 Foreword by Le Quang Liem

010 Introduction

PART I - Alternatives to the modern major lines

015 Chapter 1 - Questionable setups for Black

019 Chapter 2 - Bird’s Defense

031 Chapter 3 - Schliemann Defense

053 Chapter 4 - Cozio Defense

073 Chapter 5 - Smyslov Defense

091 Chapter 6 - Classical Defense

111 Chapter 7 - Steinitz Defense

145 Chapter 8 - Norwegian Variation

151 Chapter 9 - Averbakh Variation

PART II - Berlin Defense

173 Chapter 10 - 4.0-0: Sidelines on move 4

179 Chapter 11 - 4.0-0: Sidelines on move 5 and 6

201 Chapter 12 – 4.0-0: Black plays 7...Nf5

239 Chapter 13 – 4.0-0: Black plays 7...Nxe5

303 Chapter 14 - 4.d3: Sidelines on move 4

315 Chapter 15 - 4.d3: Black plays 4...d6

337 Chapter 16 - 4.d3: Black plays 4...Bc5

PART III - Ruy Lopez Open Defense

391 Chapter 17 - Sidelines on move 6 and 7

405 Chapter 18 - White plays 8.Nxe5

425 Chapter 19 - White plays 8.dxe5 (9...Bc5 and 9...Nc5)

469 Chapter 20 - White plays 8.dxe5 (9...Be7)

145,00 zł
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The Modernized Philidor... -10%
  • -10%

The Modernized Philidor Defense - Sergio Trigo Urquijo (K-6069)

“Pawns are the soul of chess.” We have all heard this phrase more than once in our chess life and we owe it to the great French player François-André Danican, so-called Philidor, considered one of the best chess players of the 18th century.

It’s not surprising that with this way of thinking, he revolutionized chess, which until then was almost all about direct attacks on the king. With this, he also changed the way of understanding and playing openings, in which he introduced a new concept for the time – that the pawns should be ahead of the pieces.

Bearing this in mind, the defense he created can be much better understood, in which all these rules are fulfilled and the importance of the pawn structure is maximal.

136,80 zł Cena podstawowa 152,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Modernized O’Kelly Sicilian - Jan Boekelman (K-6258)

Try to expand your knowledge in the 3.c3 variation and go beyond the book’s content Deepen your knowledge in 3.c4 variation and do not play it before you know it well. Finally, follow the very strong GM Vladislav Artemiev, who has had a relatively successful run with this opening in rapid online events.

169,00 zł
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The Modernized Open Ruy... -40%
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The Modernized Open Ruy Lopez - Milos Pavlovic (K-6062)

The positions arising from the Open Spanish contain ideas so different from the usual Ruy Lopez that I sometimes wonder whether it should really be considered part of it at all. It is an open game with unbalanced structures and sharp play but compared to the Sicilian, for instance, for which the previous description would also apply, there is an important difference; there is a certain degree of stability and solidity in the Open Spanish which distinguishes it from the sharper realms of the Sicilian and puts this line in its own unique category of opening ideas.

71,40 zł Cena podstawowa 119,00 zł
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The Modernized Nimzovich 1.e4 Nc6!: A Complete Repertoire for Black - Christian Bauer (K-5908)

There is no doubt that the Nimzovich Defense is one of Black’s most inspiring openings after 1.e4. Black strives to unbalance the position by creating new problems for White from move two, giving himself every opportunity to fight for the initiative from the outset. It is no surprise that 1 ... Nc6 appeals ambitious players who relish a complicated battle. In this book, GM Christian Bauer explains how to use this powerful weapon drawing from his own successful experiences. He is not shy to show you the fundamental ideas, the traps, the pitfalls and naturally the move order subtleties which play such an important role in our modern game of chess. We are convinced this book will give you plenty of confidence and make your opponent think more than twice.

135,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Modernized Modern Defense - Daniel Fernandez (K-5882)

Playing the Modern Defense with any regularity is a sign that you truly love chess. From the very first move, you are indicating to your opponent (and to the jury deciding on the brilliancy prizes!) that you would like to play an unbalanced position. Then the thrill of the fight courses through your veins and you simply must trust yourself to handle developments better than the other player. For a very long time this truly was the absolute frontier, the Wild West of opening theory: if it went well you looked like a genius, if it goes badly you got mated in 20 moves, and most likely neither of you ever really made the analysis which you so badly needed to remember at the board.

A certain air of reckless abandon, of pure devil-may-care mischief, was needed to play it successfully, and to some extent still is. Something of this passion was conveyed into printed form by Swedish GM Tiger Hillarp Persson when he wrote his Tiger’s Modern. Even within the Modern, the crème de-la-crème of the opening, when I learned it from his book almost a decade ago was the famous Hippo setup, the epitome of the adventurer’s spirit.

While White goes about stationing his pieces aggressively, controls the centre, etc., Black nonchalantly places nearly all his pawns on the third rank and shuffles his pieces behind them! For some reason this appealed to the 15-year-old me: the idea that I could take the game to my opponent in a way that I chose, rather than by preparing endlessly for some subtlety on move 27 of the Poisoned Pawn Najdorf.

Throughout the year 2010 I played the Modern almost exclusively; it filled the gap between my 1 ... e5 phase and my 1 ... c6 phase. (The latter remained my main reply to 1.e4 until I began learning the Najdorf in 2018, but I do still enjoy regularly mixing it up with the Modern; there are more than 20 references to my own games in the text.) What might surprise you is that 2010 was the year in which my chess career started progressing by leaps and bounds! I became an IM relying very heavily on it; an example from one of my norm tournaments can be seen in Part I (Lahiri-Fernandez.) I embraced the complexity, the audacity and the novelty whole-heartedly, and it embraced me back.

137,00 zł
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