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10 x ZESTAW SZKOLNY III: figury plastikowe St nr 6 + szachownica tekturowa składana na pół (Z-16)
zł477.00 Regular price zł540.00
"Grajmy w szachy cz.1-3" Magdalena Zielińska ( K-3386/kpl)
zł59.00 Regular price zł74.00Kompletny zestaw ćwiczeń dla początkujących "Szkoła Taktyki Szachowej krok po kroku część 1 - 3 ( K-3685/kpl)"
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Zestaw: Figury "Staunton nr 6" w kasetce drewnianej + deska drewniana (Z-4)
Zagraj jak mistrz świata w szachach! - Jerzy Konikowski (K-6175)
zł45.00 Regular price zł55.00Zestaw - Mistrzowie Polski w Szachach - część 1 i 2 - 1926-2021 (K-5849/set)
zł99.00 Regular price zł128.00
Zestaw Szachy + Warcaby + Backgammon zestawśredni 35 x 35 cm (O-0001/Ś)
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1400 kombinacji matowych - Ryszard Czajkowski, Andrzej Nowicki (K-6254)
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Oryginalny tytuł: Корнев А. "След метеора. Шахматные идеи Гарри Н. Пильсбери"
Ilość stron: 608
Oprawa: twarda
Wydawnictwo: Algorytm, 2016
Język wydania: rosyjski
ISBN: 9785906861436
Format: 13.5 x 20.5 x 3 cm
Książka opowiada o życiu jednego z mocniejszych szachistów początku XXw. Garri Nelsona Pilsberi. Autorem nie zostały pozostawione bez uwagi ostre pytania: czemu nie odbył się mecz Lasker- Pilsberi,czemu Pilsberi tak i pozostał "wiecznie drugim"? Oprócz życiorysu w książce są podane partii Pilsberi.
Specific References
16 other product
The Sinquefield Chess Generation – Young Guns at Work! - Alex Colovic (K-6064)
Forgotten Genius - The Life and Games of Grandmaster Albin Planinc - G. Mohr & A. Mikhalchishin (K-6065)
Small Steps to Giant Improvement - Sam Shankland (K-5382)
The Italian Renaissance - Część I: Move Orders, Tricks and Alternatives - Martyn Kravtsiv (K-5870)
The Schliemann Defence: Move by Move - Junior Tay (K-5415)
White players who enjoy playing the Ruy Lopez (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5) often expect to have an easy time in the opening. Numerous Black systems allow White to complete development with natural moves which often results in a small but clear advantage. Not so The Schliemann.
V. Moskalenko - The Fabulous Budapest Gambit: Much more Than Just a Sharp Surprise Weapon (K-5294)
Alireza Firouzja uczy atakować - Ćwiczenia po partiach mistrza świata- W. Kostrow (K-6173)
It is Never Too Late to Become a Grandmaster - Vladimir Okhotnic (K-6066)
NEW IN CHESS Yearbook nr 138 (K-339/138)
New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.
The Forum section contains a lot of material from the Tata Steel Chess Tournament which ended just before our deadline. You can find hot ‘Tata’ contributions by Han Schut, René Olthof and Frank Erwich, besides an impressive analysis by young player Artem Odegov, an SOS line versus the Najdorf employed by Nakamura against MVL no less than 10 times in the chess.com Speed final (written by Peter Boel) and a baffling opening discovery by new grandmaster Max Warmerdam who was also the second of Tata winner Jorden van Foreest.
From Our Own Correspondent
Our GM correspondent Erwin l’Ami dives deep into five openings again with the help of correspondence chess games. You’re getting the latest on the English Attack vs the Najdorf, a new path for Black in a difficult King’s Indian/Benoni hybrid, a sharp attacking game with the Shirov/Shabalov Slav, a new blow for the Blumenfeld Gambit, and another blow for a much-applauded Bobby Fischer idea for Black in the Benoni.
Glenn Flear sees Magnus Carlsen’s influence on opening theory grow and grow. He reviews two books on variations named after the World Champion: Carlsen’s Neo-M\'f8ller by Ioannis Simeonidis and The Carlsen Variation by Carsten Hansen – the inventor of which variation, by the way, is ‘close by’! Flear also takes a look at an impressive tome on a very obscure variation: The Exhilarating Elephant Gambit by Jakob Aabling Thomsen and Michael Agermose Jensen, and first but not least at a French opening – another novelty in the Yearbook! It’s called Jouez la Française and it’s by GM Manuel Apicella.